Javi's Coastopolis Blog

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Inaugural Post

Well here goes nothing. This is the first post of "the website" I'm trying to launch, Coastopolis.com.

Its an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for awhile but for various reasons I haven't had the chance to do anything to develop the idea and get it off the ground. The first time that it occurred to me (roughly) was back when I was applying to graduate schools and was having a hard time finding information about "coastal planning." . . . the whole story of why I was researching coastal planning is a long one that perhaps I'll share someday, but for the time being the point is that I was having difficulty finding a place that had good web resources and links and would point me in the direction I wanted to go.

The best resource at the time (around summer 2002) was the coastal-management site that was maintained by Robert Kay. However, if I recall correctly, that was mostly based on the resources for his book and was heavy on the management side of things and was internationally (UK & Oz) focused. Again, this was awhile back and I don't recall it all that well . . .

The next time that I got real jazzed about the idea for the site was over a conversation with Capt. Austin Becker, and its to him that I need to credit the term "coastopolis." (thanks Capt.) At the time, he and I were working for URI's Coastal Resources Center and the both of us were researching different aspects of coastal planning, coastal use etc. Again we came across the issue that there wasn't a central community or forum or clearing house on the web that had connections to the myriad of different characters that have to do with life and living on the coast. Take a look around, if you find a real good one then I'll save my energies and quit the project. But I bet you won't find one . . . (I hope) . . .

. . . So that's where Coastopolis.com comes in hopefully. A place where coastal managers, coastal planners, coastal developers, coastal dwellers and coastal visitors can connect, learn about and engage in a more productive and perhaps more sustainable relationship with the coast.

The site is very much a work in progress, and as I'm learning (the hard way) getting a website started has alot of challenges and the learning curve is steep. At the moment I'm going about it largely by myself, but hopefully the people that are adding their energies to Coastopolis will grow and it'll evolve into something useful and pleasing and exciting and fruitful . . . just like coast. Thanks for stopping by.


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