Javi's Coastopolis Blog

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ICZM 2.0?

"I promise to start updating the blog more often". I'm sure that's a statement that has been made thousands of times by many a blogger but I really do mean it. It's incredible how much time can pass in the blogosphere in what seems like the blink of an eye in "real life". I've been busy with the continued job search as well as a couple of other projects that I've got my hand in . . . meaning that time to muse about various items that have come across my table has been scarce.

Anyway, a friend of mine and current lecturer at my former academic residence, Sang Hwang gave his class an interesting article (I'll have to see if I can't post a full copy). The title of professor Hwang's course is "Global Environment and International Development" but it would be more aptly titled "Saving the World 2.0" or something like that. Sang is doing a great job in really pushing the envelope on how we conceive of and begin to implement solutions to our environmental crisis, and while the suffix "2.0" gets tagged to a lot of things these days I think it is safe to say that he and his class are trying to find what if anything that particular appellation might mean for sustainability.

Which of course, got me to start thinking about what that means for coasts and coastal management. The answer, of course, will be in the next blog . . .

. . . oh yeah, the site got a little facelift as one might have noticed. This is obviously not the finished product just something a bit more presentable that hopefully describes what I'm trying to do a little better. Been working on it quite a bit and am HOPING that some semblance of a "beta" version or something might come together by the end of the year. See ya soon.


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