For your consideration . . .
I'm posting these clips because, though they may not (seemingly) have alot to do with coastal issues, they have everything to do with how we communicate, how the information in our world is being organized and how the world that our children will inhabit will be a far different place than the one we live in now . . . I'll assume that a good number of people have seen them, they are a lot to watch all at once so feel free to bookmark and watch at your leisure, but I think that for me, they sum up pretty neatly what Coastopolis is all about . . .
"Finally, the use of the Internet is likely to bring significant benefits to coastal managers and planners in coming years, although initially this will be concentrated in developed countries where communications infrastructure is better developed and more reliable. The ability to quickly find and download information on coastal problems, experiences and techniques from around the world will add to the Internet's ability to bring like minded people together. "Coastal Planning & Management; Robert Kay & Jacqueline Alder - 1999
Geez, I know nothing about the internets! Good to know what html means, finally.
By Anonymous, At February 18, 2008 4:48 PM
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